
      一放學就到師大圖書館,只為這本「Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching 」第二版。是因為看到這篇『A Fresh Look at Brain-Based Education 』,才知道該書有第二版(2008)了。

      意外地又找到『Handbook of research on practices and outcomes in e-learning : issues and trends 』,首章『Computer-Mediated Learning: What Have We Experienced and Where Do We Go Next?』,是台灣學者寫的喔!

還有這本『Looking toward the future of technology-enhanced education : ubiquitous learning and the digital native 』,我最喜歡這一章『How to Improve Media Literacy and Media Skills of Secondary School Teachers in Order to Prepare Them for the Next Generation of Learners A New Type of In-Service Training for Teachers』,呵呵,正好是本書章名最長的呢!說得也很清楚提醒我們:以新的培訓方式讓中學教師具備媒體素養與技能以教導下一代學習者。




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