Teachers Discovering Computers:Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom
作者: 塾長 日期: 2010-06-09 20:19
在師大圖書館借到這本「Teachers Discovering Computers:Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom 」,內容豐富又多彩喔!看起來比較像教科書的樣子。全書500多頁,共有八章:
1.Integrating Educational Technology into the Curriculum
2.Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web
3.Application Software Productivity Tools for Educators
4.Hardware for Educators
5.Integrating Digital Media and Educational Software Applications
6.Technology, Digital Media, and Curriculum Integration
7.Evaluating Educational Technology and Integration Strategies
8.Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education
每章都有許多的案例、連結資源,本書也提供課程網站 可以申請帳號後、選取此書,就能看到各章連結資源介紹喔!還有個電腦發展的時間年表,有圖文、語音介紹呢!
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