北縣教育博覽會~Let the conversation begin!


      『2010臺北縣教育博覽會 』,將於本週六(11日)到下週日(19日)在板橋火車站地下一樓舉辦,以「預見新北市,構築心學校」為主題,虛擬一所新北市學校,展現北縣教育特色與成果,讓學童在一天內體驗英速魔法學院、玩具魔法學院、互動式故事屋、樂活運動站等特色課程。 早上看到此新聞時『虛擬學校』讓我眼睛一亮,以為是網路混成的創新學校(要超越k12和moodle的喔!),後來才發現不是啦!沒關係,從全國教育會議結束那時,把自己以前的『願景領導返璞行、策略規劃e全通、連心攜手迎變革、創新活化全歸真 』再做番調整與詮釋,趁這回可以再加把勁!

      而『Let the conversation begin!』,是在創新教育者(The Innovative Educator) 網站找到的:針對學區、學校內的相關成員提供便利參考的指引、活動單。全篇分有十大主題如下:

I. Give One, Get One
    This opening activity provides participants with an opportunity to get to know each other while exploring ways that integrating technology into the instructional program can enhance learning for all students.
2. Technology Shared Language Activity
    This activity provides participants with the background knowledge and shared vocabulary necessary to meaningfully participate in the technology visioning and planning activities.
3. Introduction to School 2.0 Map
    It is important that participants become very familiar with the School 2.0 map. This activity provides an opportunity for participants to explore the map in depth, reflect on the interdependent components and discover new ideas and practices.
4. People Wheel Activity
    Assuming that the ultimate goal of stakeholders in School 2.0 is to design the “next generation of school” that ultimately prepares students for the 21st century, this activity provides an opportunity for all participants to understand the perspectives of the different stakeholder groups in a school community.
5. Process Area
    Now that the specific needs and roles of each stakeholder have been established, participants will identify ways technology can enable stakeholders to address the identified needs.
6. TechTacks Activity
    This activity provides participants with the opportunity to use what they have learned in the previous activities to create a technology equipped 21st century classroom.
7. Technology Visioning Process
    This visioning activity provides participants an opportunity to efficiently draft an instructional technology vision for their district or school.
8. Give One, Get One for Technology Administrators and Principals
    This activity sets the stage for Chief Technology Officers, Directors of Technology, Principals, Lead Technology Specialists, and Central Officeb Instructional and Support Staff to participate in writing a vision statement for their district.
9. Challenge Scenarios
    This activity provides opportunities for groups to focus on and respond to some common technology challenges faced by school staff and communities, and central office and school-based administrators.
10. Introduction to Strategic and Technology Planning
    Strategic Technology Plan: This activity provides a foundation for the technology planning process. It allows participants to gain the information and background knowledge necessary to begin their own process for developing their strategic technology planning. Implementation Plan: After completing the creation of the Strategic Technology Plan, use this activity to develop an implementation plan that supports the previously-developed technology vision and sets their strategic plan in motion.


      翻看以前的電子報,在2005年初曾在北縣辦過『全國教育博覽會』喔!~讓每個自己都幫人成功! 原來,我的小確幸感是在這兒ㄚ~『讓每個孩子發自真心的微笑,是我感覺幸福的依靠;拍到那世上最美的嘴角曲線,就是我最無價的財寶! 』,我相信,這也是每位老師、家長的真心想望吧!

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