歐耶!找到第六版APA手冊的APPENDIX~『Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS), Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards (MARS), and  Flow of Participants Through Each Stage of an Experiment or Quasi-Experiment 』,www.apastyle.org網站提供PDF檔案可下載喔!

      原想用昨天的火星(MARS)文看電子白板paper ,但利用罐子堆(JARS)架構來看更相符呢!我從表一的『摘要』寫法來套看,一份摘要以不分段為原則,包含下列敘述內容:

Problem under investigation 研究中的問題

Participants or subjects; specifying pertinent characteristics; in animal research, include genus and species


Study method, including:研究方法,包括:
    Sample size 樣本大小
    Any apparatus used任何使用的儀器設備
    Outcome measures產出的量測
    Data-gathering procedures資料收集流程
    Research design (e.g., experiment, observational study)研究設計(例如:實驗、觀察研究)

Findings, including effect sizes and confidence intervals and/or statistical significance levels


Conclusions and the implications or applications


      對照這篇『Can the interactive whiteboard support young children’s collaborative communication and thinking in classroom science activities? 』的摘要,我利用freemind斷句與對應(請參考 )來整理看看,果然貼合呢!


      所以,從自己的教學現場中,找尋值得討論的問題,相關的人事物、可以利用的研究工具與方法....,看一分摘要也有許多『未來完成式 』的感動與驅力呢!

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