38?? 真是夠了!!



      而且,看到這句話形容得如此貼切:Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.(閱讀之於心靈,就像運動對於身體一般。)那就來列張既能豐盛心靈也能鍛鍊身體(搬書很有份量耶!)的清單吧!我大概分五區塊,您一定也看得出『端倪』喔!


Research methods for human-computer interaction
Introducing psychology through research
Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : engineering and the technical sciences


Emotional memory across the adult lifespan
Learning & memory
Models of working memory : mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control
The psychology of emotion : from everyday life to theory
12 brain/mind learning principles in action : the fieldbook for making connections, teaching, and the human brain
Executive function in the classroom : practical strategies for improving performance and enhancing skills for all students
How the brain learns : a classroom teacher's guide
How the brain learns to read
Did my neurons make me do it? : philosophical and neurobiological perspectives on moral responsibility and free will

The elements of reasoning
Critical thinking
Critical thinking : a concise guide
Good arguments : an introduction to critical thinking
Visualization : theory and practice in science education
Argumentation and debate : critical thinking for reasoned decision making
Advocacy and opposition : an introduction to argumentation


We're born to learn : using the brain's natural learning process to create today's curriculum
*The unified learning model : how motivational, cognitive, and neurobiological sciences inform best teaching practices
* Ways of learning : learning theories and learning styles in the classroom
* Understanding models for learning and instruction : essays in honor of Norbert M. Seel
* Model based learning and instruction in science
* New learning
* Active learning : 101 strategies to teach any subject

* Learning science : a singular plural perspective


Information overload : a system for better managing everyday data
Learning technology in transition : from individual enthusiasm to institutional implementation
Augmented learning : research and design of mobile educational games
Gender in e-learning and educational games:a reader
Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer interfaces : techniques and effective practices
Teaching science in elementary and middle school classrooms : a project-based approach
Teachers discovering computers : integrating technology and digital media in the classroom
Transforming learning with new technologies
The teacher's role in implementing cooperative learning in the classroom
Integrating educational technology into teaching

      另外,關於買書、借書,我想起曾有『再問自己還是一路走來,始終如一嗎? (2009-06-30)』的提醒,原來,是快放暑假了,哈哈~(這個想法真的比較38....)

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