作者: 塾長 日期: 2011-05-24 19:13
這是上回借的『How the Brain Learns 』書中有張提示清單:How Brain Compatible Is My Teaching/School/District?我把題目與簡單翻譯整理起來,可以提醒自己一番~
1.I/We adapt the curriculum to recognize the windows of opportunity students have during their cognitive growth.
2.I/We are trained to provoke strong, positive emotions in students during the learning process.
3.I/We are trained to help students adjust their self-concept to be more successful in different learning situations.
4.I/We provide an enriched and varied learning environment.
5.I/We search constantly for opportunities to integrate curriculum concepts between and among subject areas.
6.Students have frequent opportunities during class to talk about what they are learning, while they are learning.
7.I/We do not use lecture as the main mode of instruction.
8.One of the main criteria I/we use to decide on classroom activities and curriculum is relevancy to students.
9.I/We understand the power of chunking and use it in the design of curriculum and in daily instruction.
10.I/We understand the primacy-recency effect and use it regularly in the classroom to enhance retention of learning.
我瞭解近因效應(primacy-recency effect),並經常應用於教室中以促進學習保留
您也可以參考『大腦ABC 』與『大腦相容12原則 』,相信會更有體驗與實踐的發想喔!我還找到一本『The Brain-Compatible Classroom . Using What We Know About Learning to Improve Teaching』,繼續努力k!
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