
      這一學年過得匆忙也充實,暑假必須聚焦耕耘。昨天想試試『歸零』玩法:建立一個資料夾,鎖定兩本期刊(Science Education與 Journal of Research in Science Teaching),看今年各期,以及關鍵字查找,大約半小時就停止~接續編輯處理摘要於freemind中。就先從這些文章來參照建立自己的研究圖像,然後再回頭把這一年來看過整理過的paper,利用Keystone整理掛載在一起。還要好好活用搜尋、排序與關鍵字雲。

      有點鼓勵又警告自己的味道,劉若英這首『等你』歌詞很貼切~我等你,半年為期,逾期就狠狠把你忘記(發現自己竟然可以哼歌而打字也跟得上呢!)。尤其我指的是這篇『Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to help students learn how to participate in scientific argumentation and craft written arguments』~從教學模式、課程活動設計來提昇學生論證式探究能力的研究,我在情人節開學那天看過 ,而後....,就是今天再找到了,哈哈,真有半年了呢!


*Argument-Driven Inquiry as a Way to Help Students Learn How to Participate in Scientific Argumentation and Craft Written Arguments_An Exploratory Study
*Middle school science students’ dialogic argumentation
*Learning to Teach Elementary School Science as Argument
*Teaching and Learning Science as Argument
*Classroom Communities’ Adaptations of the Practice of Scientific Argumentation

*Basic inferences of scientific reasoning, argumentation, and discovery
*Scientific Argument and Explanation_A Necessary Distinction
*Theoretical Framework for Narrative Explanation in Science
*Elementary Children’s Judgments of the Epistemic Status of Sources of Justification
*A Threshold Model of Content Knowledge Transfer for Socioscientific Argumentation
*The Influence of Explicit Nature of Science and Argumentation Instruction on Preservice Primary Teachers’ Views of Nature of Science


      呵呵,才第二天已經開始懷念小三小五們 (尤其是那個我常氣著問他為何搗蛋,他竟回我『因為愛無所不在』的小孩....),只好認真與快樂地提醒自己繼續加油!準備好,開學再來好好玩

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