ICT in K12的四書五經與「資訊科技融入教學創新應用典範團隊」審查指標

      本篇要介紹『ICT in K12的四書五經(四本書,五種經常角色與常軌)』,藉以對應教育部的「資訊科技融入教學創新應用典範團隊」審查指標。四本書都是在師大圖書館借到的,這一年來三不五時翻看:

Instructional Technology and Media for Learning

Transforming Learning with New Technologies 

Teachers discovering computers:integrating technology and digital media in the classroom

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching

      而五種經常角色與常軌,我是對應到STAFF~Student學生、Teacher教師、Administrator行政、Faciliator促進者與Flow常軌(流暢、心流)。STAFF有夥伴、同事的意思,也有樂譜的意思。尤其看Google+的社交圈,才發現自己去年的博班申請計畫就有這種圈圈的概念呢!推動ICT in K12的工程中,四種成員在學校單位裡缺一不可,美國國家教育科技指標針(NETS)對各成員皆訂有相關能力指標,在大學塾『觀點 』裡有整理一些。左圖是教室傳播模式 、右圖為多元e智慧學習圈

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Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 


Chapter 1: Technology and Media: Facilitating Learning
Chapter 2: Instructional Strategies: Integrating Technology and Media
Chapter 3: Visual Principles: Designing Effective Materials
Chapter 4: The ASSURE Model: Creating the Learning Experience
Chapter 5: Computers and Multimedia: Accessing Digital Worlds
Chapter 6: Distance Education: Connecting Learners Beyond the Classroom
Chapter 7: Online Learning: Learning Through the Internet and Computer Networks
Chapter 8: Instructional Materials and Displays: Using Media to Engage Learners
Chapter 9: Visuals: Enhancing Learning with Visuals
Chapter 10: Audio: Listening and Learning
Chapter 11: Video: Enhancing Learning with Moving Images
Chapter 12: Trends in Technology and Media: Looking Ahead

Transforming Learning with New Technologies 


Part One: Inspiring Student Learning with Technology
Chapter 1: Becoming an e-Teacher
Chapter 2: Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology
Chapter 3: Developing Lessons with Technology
Chapter 4: Integrating Technology and Creating Change
Part Two: Engaging Learners with Digital Tools
Chapter 5: Researching and Evaluating Internet Information
Chapter 6: Teaching with Educational Websites and Other Online Resources
Chapter 7: Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Software and Web Tools
Chapter 8: Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More
Chapter 9: Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies
Chapter 10: Promoting Success for All Students Through Technology
Chapter 11: Engaging Teachers and Students in Learning and Self-Reflection

Teachers discovering computers:integrating technology and digital media in the classroom


Chapter 1 Integrating Educational Technology into the Curriculum
Chapter 2 Communications, Networks, the Internet,and the World Wide Web
Chapter 3 Application Productivity Tools for Educators
Chapter 4 Hardware for Educators
Chapter 5 Integrating Digital Media and Educational Software Applications
Chapter 6 Technology, Digital Media, and Curriculum Integration
Chapter 7 Evaluating Educational Technology and Integration Strategies
Chapter 8 Security Issues, Ethics, and Emerging Technologies in Education

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching

      這本對我意義重大~1999年第一次在Amazon買書,然後飄洋過到海到我手上。而後協助此書中譯本 的後半部領域章節撰寫:『自然 』、『語文 』,雖未出版,也給自己很多磨練與思考機會呢!而且,這學期研究所上『資訊科技融入教學導論』,老師也是以此書當參考教科書喔!

Part 1: Introduction and Background on Integrating Technology in Education
1 – Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture
2 – Foundations of Effective Technology Integration Models: Theory and Practice
Part 2: Integrating Software Tutors and Tools into Teaching and Learning
3 – Teaching with Instructional Software
4 – Teaching with the Basic Software Tools: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Programs
5 – Teaching with Software Tools: Beyond the Basic Programs
6 – Teaching with Multimedia and Hypermedia Tools
Part 3: Linking to Learn: Principles and Strategies
7 – Introducing the Internet and Other Distance Learning Tools
8 – Integrating the Internet into the Curriculum
Part 4: Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum
9 – Technology in English and Language Arts Instruction
10 – Technology in English Language Learning and Foreign Language Instruction
11 – Technology in Mathematics and Science Instruction
12 – Technology in Social Studies Instruction
13 – Technology in Music and Art Instruction
14 – Technology in Physical Education and Health Education
15 – Technology in Special Education

      還是時刻提醒自己~確保教學有效(ASSURE )地活用ICT與人際網絡之數位槓桿,我們才能勇敢地『反璞歸真 』~與孩子一起創造未來!

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