

*Social Networking Showdown: 8 Facebook Features Google+ Doesn't Have (Yet),這篇介紹目前Google+還沒有的功能。我想的是:會不會Google+『刻意』不加上某些功能呢?

1. 放置遊戲(Host)

2. 利用twitter更新狀態(Update your status with Twitter)

3. 使用第三方apps(Use third-party apps.)

4. 從一些人中隱藏狀態更新,但看得見每個其他人的(Hide status updates from certain people, but see everyone else's)(這個翻得怪怪的,請見諒)
5. 生日提醒(Birthday reminders)

6.邀請每個人到一次約會( Invite everyone to an event)

7. 朋友投票(Poll your friends)

8. 與朋友連結(因為他們已在那裡了)(Connect with your friends (because they're already there))

6 Things Google+ Can Do That Facebook Can't,這些Google+功能是Facebook所沒有的。我想的是:有些也只有Google自家才做得到吧!也期待更多整合喔!

1. 只針對選定的朋友輕易地分享相片、連結或是張貼(Easily share photos, links, or posts with only select friends)

2. 以及時視訊聊天來詳細規劃事物(Plan details of an event with live video chat)

3. 可以與朋友一起同步看YouTube影片(Watch a YouTube video in real-time with friends)

4. 基於你的興趣尋獲內容(Curate content based on your interests)

5.即時上相片與影片到雲端,但可以稍後決定如何分享( Instantly upload photos and videos to the cloud, but decide later how to share them)

6. 退出(Quit)

*7 unique and creative uses for Google+,這裡的相關應用是原有的web2.0服務,是否利用Google+會比原來好?見仁見智吧!
1.利用Google+建立旅遊紀錄(Use Google+ to keep a travel journal)

2.Google+作為部落格(Google+ as a blog)

3.Google+作為教育工具(Google+ as an educational tool)

4.利用Google+來群眾外包(Use Google+ to crowdsource)

5.Google+作為podcast工具(Google+ as a podcasting tool)

6.Google+作為書籤服務(Google+ as a bookmarking service)

7.從朋友獲得指引(Get directions from your friends)

      此外,第三屆噗浪年會 即將展開,噗友,是無論宅在家或出門在外都不可或缺的好夥伴啦!

標籤: google
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