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+ - Part One  Section 1    Education in the Information Society

1.1   Implications of the Information and Knowledge Society for Education

Ronald E. Anderson

The Information Society

The Knowledge Society

Information vs. Knowledge

Knowledge Societies in Education

Implications of the Knowledge Society for Learning Priorities


The Twenty-First Century Skills Movement

Parallels in Education and Management

Some Knowledge-Based Models in Education

The Emerging Pedagogical Practices Paradigm

Student Knowledge Framework

Knowledge-Related Skills

Knowledge-Related Task Phases

Knowledge Capabilities and ICT Tools

Knowledge Societies and Cooperative Work

Knowledge Societies and Learning to Learn

Implications for Education in the Era of Knowledge Societies

1.2   New Literacies for the Knowledge Society

David Mioduser, Rafi Nachmiaj. andAlona Forkosh-Baruch


The Knowledge Society

The "New Literacies"

Basic Issues Underlying Our Discussion of the "New Literacies'

Seven Literacies for the Knowledge Society


1.3    Theoretical Perspectives Influencing the Use of Information
Technology in Teaching and Learning

Chris Dede

Behaviorist Instructional Technologies

Cognitivist Instructional Technologies

Constructivist Instructional Technologies

"Next-Generation" Pedagogical Media

Illustrative Historic Controversies About Technology

and Pedagogy


1.4    Students in a Digital Age: Implications of ICT for Teaching
and Learning

JohnAinley, Laura Enger, arid Dara Searle


ICT Use: Access and Confidence
Behavioural Engagement

Emotional Engagement

Cognitive Engagement

ICT and Learning



1.5    Traditional and Emerging IT Applications for Learning

J. Enrique Hinostroza, Christian Labbe, Leonardo Lopez, and Hans lost


General Background: IT in Education

Potential Impacts of IT
Factors Affecting the Use of IT for Learning
Trends in Emerging Technologies and Learning

1.6   Driving Forces for ICT in Learning    97

Alfons ten Brummelhuis and Els Kuiper

Introduction    97

Conceptual Framework    97
Example of a Contrasting Position in Instructional Practices:

Teacher or Student as Regulating the Learning Process    104

Discussion: Technology Push vs. Educational Pull

+ - Section 2    IT and Curriculum Processes

Section Editor: Joke I'bogt

2.1    IT and Curriculum Processes: Dilemmas and Challenges    117

Joke I'bogt

A Curricular Perspective on IT in Education    117

Rationales for IT in Education    118

Learning to Use IT    118

Using IT to Learn    120

Current Use of IT in the Curriculum    121

Realizing the Potential of IT in the Curriculum    122

Innovative IT-Supported Pedagogical Practices    124

The Attained Curriculum: Student Outcomes from Learning with IT    127


2.2    Impact of IT on Science Education    133

Mary Webb

Introduction    133

The Use and Impact of IT on Science Learning in Schools    134

Evidence for How IT Enables Science Learning    134

Pedagogies with IT in Science    140

IT Use and the Nature of the Science Curriculum    143

Implications for Teachers and Curriculum Developers    143

Conclusions: Ways Forward for Science Education with IT    144

2.3    The Potential of IT to Foster Literacy Development in Kindergarten     149

Judy Van Scoter

Introduction    149

Literacy Development    150

IT and Literacy Development    150

Word Processing    151

Hypertext and Reading Potential in the Classroom    152
Integrated Learning Systems and Drill and Practice    153

Integrating IT in the Kindergarten Classroom    154

Print-Rich Environment    155
Technology Center

IT and the Classroom Reading Corner Connection with Real Worlds Products and Presentations Technology and Literacy in the Implementation Concent Technology as a Benign Ad'" •' •

2.4   Innovative Pedagogical Practices l~ ing Technology: The Curriculum Perspec-^e

Rafi Nachmias, David A:!: ;• r/.^er. and Alona Forkosh-Baruch


ICT, Curriculum and Innovation

Curricular Issues in ICT-Based Innovations: Secondary

analysis of SITESm2 cases


2.5    Changing Assessment Practices and the Role of IT

Ola Erstad


Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Assessment Practices, IT, and Change Different Conceptions of IT and Assessment Conclusion: Are We Changing Practices?

2.6    Information Technology Tools for Curriculum Development

Susan McKenney, Nienke Nieveen, andAllard Strijker

Curriculum Development Aided by Technology

Three Cases of IT Support for Curriculum Development

Future Directions

+ - Section 3    IT and the Learning Process

Section Editor: Kwok-Wing Lai

3.1   ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise

Kwok- Wing Lai


The Learning Process and ICT Use
Research on ICT Effects
ICT and Learning Environments
Computer-Supported Learning Environments


3.2    Interactive Learning Environments: Review of an Old
Construct with a New Critical Twist    231

Mark Brown


Origin of Interactive Learning Environments What is the Domain of Interactive Learning Environments? What Assumptions Underpin Instructional Design? Digging a Little Deeper Connecting the Metaphors Cleaning Up a Messy Construct Mind Tools for Instruction Mind Tools for Construction Mind Tools for Inquiry Mind Tools for Community-Interaction for What Kind of Future Conclusion

3.3    Online Learning Communities in K-12 Settings

Seng Chee Tan, Lay Hoon Seah, Jennifer Yeo, and David Hung


Defining Online Learning Communities

Theoretical Foundations of Learning in Online Communities

Review of Studies on Online Learning Communities

in K-12 Settings

Knowledge Building Community

Quest Atlantis

Virtual Math Team (VMT) Project

The Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)

Comparison of the Four Online Learning Communities

Pertinent Research and Implementation Issues


3.4    Collaborative Learning and Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning Environments    267

Maarit Arvaja, Paivi Hakkinen, and Marja Kankaanranta

Introduction: Collaboration Defined    267

Research Traditions on Collaborative Learning    269

What is Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning?    270

Challenges of CSCL    272

Structuring Collaboration to Overcome Challenges in CSCL    273

Methodological Issues with CSCL Research    274


3.5    Computer Contexts for Supporting Metacognitive Learning    281

Xiaodong Lin and Florence R. Sullivan

Common VIetacognitive Learning Outcomes

Recall and Memory

Content and Domain Subject Learning    284

Social Interactions as Learning Mechanisms    290


3.6    Collaborative Inquiry and Knowledge Building in Networked
Multimedia Environments    299

Carol K.K. Chan and Jan van Aalst

Introduction    299

Changing Theories and Metaphors of Learning    300
Views of Learning Underpinning Multimedia and Networked
Learning Environments    302

Classroom Innovations in Networked Multimedia Environments    305

Theoretical, Pedagogical and Methodological Issues

+ - Section 4    IT Competencies and Attitudes    319

Section Editors: Gerald Knezek and Rhonda Christensen 4.1    The Importance of Information Technology Attitudes

and Competencies in Primary and Secondary Education    321
Gerald Knezek and Rhonda Christensen

Introduction    321

Role of Attitudes    322

Requirements of Competency    322

Verification Through Standards and Tests    323
Concerns About Overstandardization    323

The Need for Asking Good Questions    324

Theoretical/Conceptual Foundations    324

Formal Models of Attitudes and Achievement    326
Self Report and Observation Measures for Determining Attitudes

and Competencies Toward Technology    327

Summary and Conclusions    328

4.2    Information, Communications, and Educational Technology
Standards for Students, Teachers, and School Leaders    333

Lajeane G. Thomas and Donald G. Knezek

Rationale for Information and Communication Technology

Standards    333
Establishing New Learning Environments Supported with Technology         335
ICT Standards for Students    335

Barriers to Adoption of Standards for Students

New Skill Sets for Teachers

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

for Teachers

ICT Standards for School and School-System Leaders

of K-12 Education

Preparation of Specialists for Leadership in ICT
Essential Conditions to Support ICT in Educational


Potential for Catalytic Change

Summary and Conclusions

4.3    Self-Report Measures and Findings for Information
Technology Attitudes and Competencies

Rhonda Christensen and Gerald Knezek


Self-Report and Survey Research

Self-Report vs. Observation

Assessing the Magnitude of Self-Report Findings


Student Attitudes and Competencies


Summary and Conclusions

4.4    Observation Measures for Determining Attitudes
and Competencies Toward Technology

Renate Schulz-Zander, Michael Pfeifer, and Andreas Voss


Observation as an Approach to Researching IT Competencies

and Attitudes

A Synthesis of Empirical Research Results


4.5    Computer Attitudes and Competencies Among Primary
and Secondary School Students

Martina Meelissen


Measuring Computer Attitudes

Students' Computer Attitudes

The Influence of the Social Environment

Students' Computer Competencies

Summary and Prospects for Future Research

4.6   Characteristics of Teacher Leaders for Information and Communication Technology

Margaret Riel and Henry Jay Becker


Teacher Leadership and Professional Engagement

Describing a Route to Teacher Leadership

Teachers Leaders Represent the Highest Level of Professional


Variation in Professional Engagement: Findings from

the TLC Study

Teacher Leaders' Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

Leadership-Inspired Instruction

Teacher Leaders' Use of Computers: TLC Study Findings

Studies of Teacher Leadership Among

Technology-Expert Teachers

Dimensions of Teacher Technology Leadership

Toward a Culture of Teacher Leadership with Technology

+ -
Section 5    IT, Pedagogical Innovations, and Teacher Learning

Section Editor: Nancy Law

5.1    Teacher Learning Beyond Knowledge for Pedagogical
Innovations with ICT

Nancy Law


ICT as a "Disruptive" Force in Pedagogical Innovations

Teacher Learning for Pedagogical Innovation with ICT:

Beyond Knowledge
Teacher Learning Through Innovations - Conceptualization

of Support for Teacher Learning Beyond Knowledge
5.2    Benchmarks for Teacher Education Programs
in the Pedagogical Use of ICT

Paul Kirschner, Theo Wubbels, and Mieke Brekelmans


The Pedagogy and Effects of Teacher Education


5.3    Factors Affecting Teachers' Pedagogical Adoption of ICT

Bridget Somekh

Insights from Socio-Cultural Theory

The Processes of Pedagogical Adoption of ICT

Examples of Transformative Pedagogies with ICT

Lhe Shaping of ICT-Mediated Pedagogies by National Culture    455

Providing a Context that Supports the Pedagogic Adoption of ICT    457

Integrating Research with the Pedagogic Adoption of ICT    458

5.4    Models and Practices in Teacher Education Programs

for Teaching with and about IT    461

Anne McDougall

Introduction    461

Goals. Purposes and Aims of Teacher Education Programs    462

Structures and Strategies    466
Evaluation of Teacher Education and Professional
Development Programs    471
5.5    Multimedia Cases, Teacher Education and Teacher Learning    475

Ellen van den Berg, John Wallace, and Erminia Pedretti

Introduction    475

Cases. Teacher Learning and Knowledge    475
A Typology of Multimedia Cases: Primary, Secondary

and Tertiary Use    480

Anchoring Multimedia Cases in Teacher Education Programs    483


5.6    Communities of Practice for Continuing Professional

Development in the Twenty-First Century    489

Chee-Kit Looi, Wei-Ying Lim, and Wenli Chen

Challenges that Teacher Professional Development Face    489

Community of Practice as an Effective Professional

Development Strategy    490
CoPs for Continuing Professional Development

in the Twenty-First Century    492

Online Community of Practice for Teachers' Professional

Development    493

Design Tenets for Building CoPs in the Twenty-First Century    494

Technology Architecture Supporting Establishment of CoPs    498

Teacher Professional Identity Formation in CoPs    501

5.7    How May Teacher Learning Be Promoted For Educational

Renewal with IT?    507

Miki Davis

Introduction    507

A Global Perspective    5°8

Schools' Local Area as an Ecology    

    A School Perspective

The IT Coordinator

A Teacher Innovating with IT

Simultaneous Renewal of Preserviee ". .^clicr Ldu'-ar'on

and K-12 Schools

iu^inary an,1 <", ,:,elusion

+ -
Section 6    IT in Schools

Section Editor: Sara Dexter
6.1    Leadership for IT in Schools

Sara Dexter


Dimensions and Aims of IT Leadership

IT Leadership to Set Direction

IT Leadership to Develop People

IT Leadership to Make the Organization Work

Roles and Responsibilities in IT Leadership Teams


6.2    Framing IT Use to Enhance Educational Impact
on a School-Wide Basis

Peter Twining

Introduction - Importance of Consistent Understandings

Frameworks for Thinking About IT in Education
Achievement Frameworks

Cognitive Frameworks
Software Frameworks

Pedagogical Frameworks
Evolutionary Frameworks

6.3    Quality Support for ICT in Schools

Neal Strudler and Doug Hearrington


Need for and Aspects of ICT Support
Teacher Professional Development
Staffing for ICT Support

Support Staff


6.4    Distributed Leadership and IT

Nigel Bennett

Analysing the Elements of'Leadership'

Moving on from 'Top-Down' Leadership

Distributed Leadership

So What? Distributed Leadership and IT in Schools

6.5    Total Cost of Ownership and Total Value of Ownership

Kathryn Moyle


Policy Contexts

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Measuring Data

Cost. Value and Impact

6.6    The Logic and Logic Model of Technology Evaluation

Yong Zhao, Bo Yan, andJing Lei


A Critical Appraisal of the Evaluation Literature
Where Are We Now?

A Proposal for Moving Forward: A Logic Model for
Evaluating Technology

+ -
Section 7    IT and Distance Learning in K-12 Education

Section Editors: Roumen Nikolov and lliana Nikolova
7.1    Distance Education in Schools: Perspectives and Realities

Roumen Nikolov and lliana Nikolova


Defining the Area

The Phenomenon of ICT-Based Distance Education
in K-12 Schools

The ICT-Driven Educational Reform
Virtual Learning Environments for ICT-Based DE

Pedagogical Dimensions for VLEs in ICT-Based Distance

Education in K-12 Education

Effectiveness of ICT-Based Distance Education

The Future of ICT-Based Distance Education


7.2    Pedagogical Principles, Problems, and Possibilities

in Online Global Classrooms    675

Malcolm Beazley, Julie McLeod, and Lin Lin

Introduction    675

Pedogogical Principles    676
Problems    683
Possibilities    689

Concluding Remarks

7.3    Virtual Schools: Redefining "A Place Called School"    695

M.D. Roblyer

Introduction: Virtual Schools as Defining Initiative    695

Background on Virtual Schooling    696

Current Virtual School Issues    701
Research on Virtual School Implementation and Impact    704

Challenges for the Future of Virtual Schools    706


7.4    Distance Learning - Enrichment: A Pacific Perspective    713

John H. Southworth, Curtis P. Ho, and Shigeru Narita

Introduction    713

DL-E Applications in the 1970s    715

New Developments in the 1980s and 1990s    716
DL-E Projects in the Twenty-First Century    717

Fostering Cultural Awareness    719

Techniques for Classroom'Technology Integration Using DL-E    720

Assessment of Added Value of DL-E    722

Concluding Remarks

7.5    Technology and Open Learning: The Potential of Open Education
Resources for K-12 Education    725

Neil Butcher and Merridy Wilson-Strydom

Introduction    725

Distance Education and Open Schooling    726

Open Learning    729

Technology and Open Learning    733
Open Education Resources (OER)    735

OERs in Action: A Practical Example from the K-12 Sector    741


7.6   Online Professional Development for Teachers


Teacher Training in Europe and Beyond

Virtual and Distance Learning for Teachers

Trends in Knowledge Delivery

Lessons Learned in Asia and The Pacific Region

The Case of Hungary


+ -
Section 8    IT and the Digital Divide

Section Editors: Theresa Laferriere and Paul Resta
8.1    Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity

Paul Resta and Therese Laferriere

Introduction Conceptual Framework Issues and Challenges Conclusion

8.2    Gender and Information Technology

E. Dianne Looker


Identifying the Issues -The Developed World

Identifying the Issues - The Developing World

Why is This Important?

Educational Interventions
Further Research

8.3    Meeting the Learning Needs of All Learners Through IT

Jutta Treviranus and Vera Roberts


Assistive Technologies

Guidelines and Specifications

Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium


Matching the Resource to the Needs of the Learner Through Metadata


Reusable Learning Resources

Content-Free Activity Templates

Accessibility in Practice    799

Challenges    800


8.4    Critical Success Factors in Moving Toward Digital Equity    803

Jovce Pittman, Robert T. McLaughlin, and Bonnie Bracey-Sutton

Introduction    803
Example Cases: Initiatives that Have Made Progress in Moving

Toward Digital Equity in Different Global Contexts    804

Success Factors for Moving Toward Digital Equity    812

Future Trends and Challenges in Moving Toward Digital Equity    814

8.5    The Relationship of Technology. Culture, and Demography    819

Lonene Roy, Hsin-iiang Chen, Antony Cherian, and Teanau Tuiono

Introduction    819

Historic Information on Incorporation of Technology

by Indigenous Peoples    819

What Are the Relations Between IT and Indigenous Cultures?    822

A Final Word: Cultural Protocol and Balancing Local Control

and Access to Intellectual Content

8.6    Global Partnerships Enhancing Digital and Social Equity    833

Ian W. Gibson

Shrinking World: Global Responsibility    833
The Potential of Technology in Redefining Access to Learning

Opportunities    834

Benefits of International Participation: An Example    836

Preparing Teachers for the Future: A Focus on Teacher Education    840

Benefits and Conclusions

+ -
Section 9    Emerging Technologies for Education    847

Section Editors: Cathleen Norris and Elliot Soloway

9.1   An Instructional Model That Exploits Pervasive Computing    849

Cathleen Norris and Elliot Soloway

Introduction    849

The Current Situation: Limited-Access Computing    850

The Transition to Pervasive Computing: Predicting a Disruption    850

The Elements of a Pervasive Computing Infrastructure    851

Pervasive Computing Enables Project-Based Learning    852
An Example of Virtual Learning Environment to Support

Project-Based Learning    854

Concluding Remarks

9.2    M-Learning in Africa: Doing the Unthinkable and Reaching

the Unreachable    861

Tom H. Brown

Introduction    861

Why M-Learning in Africa?    862

Overview of Current M-Learning Activities in Africa    863

Examples of M-Learning in Africa    864
Premises for M-Learning in Africa: Lessons Learnt from Pilot
Studies at the University of Pretoria    867

9.3    Personal, Mobile, Connected: The Future of Learning    873

Mark van't Hooft

Introduction    873

Rethinking Teaching, Learning, and Technology    875

Rethinking Teaching    875

Rethinking Learning    876

Rethinking Technology    877
An Example    878

9.4    Use of Wireless Mobile Technology to Bridge the

Learning Divide    883

Mohamed Ally

Introduction    883

Capabilities of Wireless Mobile Technology    884
The Design of Learning Materials for Wireless Mobile

Technology Devices    884
Use of Wireless Mobile Technologies in Practice    886

9.5    Information Technologies for Informal Learning in Museums

and Out-of-School Settings    891

Sherry Hsi

Introduction    891

IT Transforming Informal Learning Institutions    892

IT Extending the Museum Expenence (Pre- and Post Activities)    893

IT for Distant Learners and Browsers of Museum Expenence    894

Informal Learning Transforming IT Activities    896
Trends for the Future

9.6    Emerging Technologies for Collaborative, Mediated,

Immersive Learning    901

Jody Clarke, Chris Dede, and Ed Dieterle

Introduction    901
How Collaborative Mediated Immersion Helps Teaching and Learning       902

Multi-user Virtual Environments    903

Augmented Reality    905


9.7    Three-Dimensional Computer-Based Online Learning
Environments    911

James G. Jones and Scot: J. Warren
Introduction    911

3D Computer-Based Multiuser Online Environments    911

Educational Environments    913

Cognitive Scaffolding    916

Educational Affordances    916

The Future of and Barriers to Educational Integration

9.8    Trace Theory. Coordination Games, and Group Scribbles    921

Charles M. Patton, Deborah Tatar, and Yannis Dimitriadis

Coordination in Learning    921

Group Scribbles    922

Group Scribbles and Coordination: Key Aspects of Design
Enable a Focus on Coordination    925

Using Trace Theory to Describe and Specify Coordination

Structures in Group Scribbles    927

Alternative Versions of the Jigsaw Pattern    930

Summary, Conclusions, and Future Research

9.9    One-to-One Educational Computing: Ten Lessons for Successful
Implementation    935

Kyle Peck and Karl Sprenger

Introduction    935

Lesson One: Focus on an Expanded Educational Vision    936

Lesson Two: Expand Participation and Commitment    936

Lesson Three: Think Software, THEN Hardware    937

Lesson Four: Embrace Professional Development    938

Lesson Five: Re-assess Infrastructure Needs    938
Lesson Six: Focus on Functionality and an "Always Up"

Learning Environment    939

Lesson Seven: Minimize the Number ot'V'endors    939

Lesson Eight: Have an Insurance Plan    939

Lesson Nine: Be Prepared to Add Technical Support Staff    940

Lesson Ten: Assess Morale and Prepare for Turbulence    940


9.10    Making the Most of One-to-One Computing in Networked
Classrooms    943

William R. Penuel
Potential of Classroom Networks    943

Which Way the Future?

9.11    Graphing Calculators: Enhancing Math Learning

for All Students    951

Jeremy Roschelle and Corrine Singleton

Introduction    951

Features of Graphing Calculators    952
Alignment of Graphing Calculators with

Standards and Practices    953

Pedagogical Affordances of Graphing Calculators    954

Research on Graphing Calculators    955

Discussion and Conclusion

+ -
Section 10    Researching IT in Education    963

Section Editor: Margaret J. Cox
10.1    Researching IT in Education    965

Margaret J. Cox

Introduction    965

Evolution of IT Resources    966

Uptake of IT in Education    970

Measuring Learning and Motivation    971

Teachers' Beliefs and Practices    972

National and International Contexts    974

Complexity of Researching [T in Education    976


10.2    Research Methods: Their Design, Applicability and Reliability    983

Gail Marshall and Margaret J. Cox

Introduction    983

Research Goals    984

To Measure the Impact of IT on Learning    985

Uptake of IT by Schools and Teachers    985

Effects of IT on Learning Strategies and Processes    986

Effects of IT on Collaboration and the Learning Context    986

Attitudes Towards Computers in Education    986

Effects of IT on Pedagogies and Practices of the Teachers

Computer Use by Girls vs. Boys    987
Contribution of IT to Enhancing Access and Learning

for Special Needs    987

Total Operating Costs and Cost Effectiveness    988

Epistemological Theories and Research Design    988

Standards for Research    992

Formative and Summative Studies    994

Critical Factors    997


10.3    Measuring the Impact of Information Technology

on Students' Learning    1003

Rachel M. Pilkington

Introduction    1003

Impact of IT on Learning - Experimental Research Designs    1003

Impact on Learning - Survey-Based Approaches    1006

Impact on Learning - Case Studies and Meta-Analyses    1008

Future Schools: Making Progress and Managing Change    1012

Revisiting Learning Theory: Issues for Design    1013


10.4    Large-Scale Studies and Quantitative Methods    1019

Yuen-Kuang CliffLiao and Yungwei Hao

The Meta-analysis Research Method    1019

Review of Studies of Meta-analysis on Information

Technology in Education    1022

Evidence Outcomes Achieved Through Meta-analysis on

Information Technology in Education    1028

Meta-Analysis on Information Technology in Education:

To Use, or Not to Use?

10.5    Evaluation of the Design and Development

of IT Tools in Education    1037

Thomas C. Reeves

Evaluation of the Design and Development of IT Tools in Education      1037

Background    1038

Formative Evaluation    1038

Summative Evaluation    1040

Contemporary Approaches to Evaluating IT Tools in Education    1041

A Decision-Oriented Rationale for Evaluation    1042

Primary Components of an Evaluation Plan    1044

Evaluation Reporting    1046

The Future of Evaluation of IT Tools in Education

10.6    Methods for Large-Scale International Studies

on ICT in Education    1053

Willem Peigrum and Tjeerd Plomp

Introduction    1053

Historical Sketch of ICT-Related WISCEAs    1055

Questions Underlying ICT-Related WISCEAs    1056

Conceptual Frameworks    1057

Design Issues    1058
Potential Outputs of ICT-Related WISCEAs:

The Example of SITES 2006    1063

Recommendations for Future ICT-Related WISCEAs    1064


+ -
Section 11    International and Regional Programs and Policies    1069

Section Editor: JefMoonen

11.1    Evolution of IT and Related Educational Policies in International
Organisations    1071


Evolution of IT and its Potential Impact on Educational Policy    1071

An Overview of Policy Support by International Organizations    1073
A Framework to Categorize Educational Policies in Relation

to the Introduction of IT

11.2    Comparative Analysis of Policies for ICT in Education    1083

Robert B. Kozma
International Significance of ICT Policy    1083

The Rationale for Strategic Policy for Educational ICT    1084

Strategic Educational ICT Policy Rationales    1085

Operational Components of ICT Policies    1089

Policy Recommendations

11.3    ICT and Educational Policy in the European Region    1097

Claudia Delrio and Claudia Dondi
Socioeconomic, Educational and Cultural Context    1097
Rationales and Influencing Factors for a Policy

About ICT in Education    1099

Specific Policies About ICT and Education

in the European Union    1101
Reflections and Future Steps to Improve a Policy

About ICT in Education in Europe    1104

11.4    ICT in Educational Policy in the North American Region    1109

Susan Patrick

Educational and Cultural Context

Specific Policies About ICT in Education

Reflections and Future Steps to Improve a Policy

About ICT in Education

11.5    IT and Educational Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region    1119

Yev-Jin Lee, David Hung, and Horn-Mun Cheah

Socioeconomic, Educational, and Cultural Context    1119
Rationales and Influencing Factors for Policy About IT in Education    1120

Specific Policies About the Introduction of IT in Education    1123
Reflections and Future Steps to Improve a Policy

About IT in Education

11.6    ICT and Educational Policy for the Latin American

and Caribbean Regions    1133

Patricia Avila Munoz

Socioeconomic, Educational, and Cultural Context    1133
Rationales and Influencing Factors for a Policy About ICT

in Education    1134

Specific Policies About ICT in Education    1137

The Appropriate Introduction of 1CT in Schools    1139

Reflections and Further Steps Toward Improving ICT Policies

11.7    IT and Educational Policy in the Sub-Saharan African Region    1145

Frank Tilya

Socioeconomic, Educational, and Cultural Context    1145

Rationales and Influencing Factors for a Policy

About IT in Education    1147
Specific Policies About the Introduction of IT in Education    1151

Reflections and Future Steps to Improve the Introduction

of IT in Education
11.8    IT and Educational Policy in North Africa

and Middle East Region    1161

Amr Ibrahim

Socioeconomic, Educational, and Cultural Context    1161

Rationales and Factors Influencing a Policy about IT in Education    1163

Specific Policies about IT in Education    1165
Reflections and Future Steps to Improve Policy about

IT in Education
11.9    Policy From a Global Perspective

Jef Moonen

Combined Overview

A New Policy-Glossary Contributors Name Index (Vol_I) Subject Index (Vol_I) Name Index (Vol_II) Subject Index (VolJI)

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