
     我收信看到『How will you spend Earth Day in 2012?』標題,細看內容後,自己也笑了出來:原本我猜『spend』,指的是利用時間投入行動,像在自然課裡讓孩子們整理『2012世界地球日』(新聞 )的資訊:今年的主題是「Mobilize the Earth」~拯救地球刻不容緩!

     不過,『spend』也是指花費~美國國家學院出版(The National Academies Press,NAP)整理了前十項有關氣候變遷與能源利用的出版資源,在地球日有『折扣』喔!可以買書自學也可以送給好友。




America's Climate Choices   144 pages | Price: $22.46

Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change  292 pages | Price: $37.46

Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change  348 pages | Price: $37.46

Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia  298 pages | Price: $35.25


America's Energy Future: Technology and Transformation  650 pages | Price: $52.46

Renewable Fuel Standard: Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of U.S. Biofuel Policy  250 pages | Price: $51.00

Real Prospects for Energy Efficiency in the United States   352 pages | Price: $37.46

Assessment of Fuel Economy Technologies for Light-Duty Vehicles  260 pages | Price: $45.00

Transitions to Alternative Transportation Technologies--A Focus on Hydrogen 142 pages | Price: $29.25

Transitions to Alternative Transportation Technologies--Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles   70 pages | Price: $22.50

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