『Handbook of Mobile Learning』目錄整理

      上次說要整理好多本行動學習的書,來建構行動學習知識大地圖,今天先整理這本暫時沒買的好書『Handbook of Mobile Learning 』,它曾獲得美國AECT 遠距學習部門(DDL)頒發的遠距教育類圖書獎項,而且,裡面也有黃國禎教授參與兩個章節的撰寫喔!全書分為五個部份:

Part 1 Foundations and Future  基礎與未來
Part 2 Learning and Learner Support 學習與學習支持
Part 3 Teaching and Instructional Design  教師與教學設計
Part 4 Policies, Administration, and Management 政策、行政與管理
Part 5 Cases and Perspectives 個案與觀點


1.價位稍高:122美元,或者租金快60美元(呵呵,雖然還有本400美元的『Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning 』)

3.各章的標題,有時都可以成為一本專書了,像第9章『Sea行動學習ess Learning: An international Perspective on Next-Generation Technology Enhanced Learning無縫學習,國際觀點 』,我手邊也有一本這樣的書;或者像黃國禎教授撰寫的第14章『Mindtools for Supporting Mobile-Learning Activities(支持行動學習活動的心智工具)』,都可以成為一本書,甚至,希望國內也能集結教授與師長們合力來打造行動學習好書!

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Part 1 Foundations and Future  基礎與未來
1.A Historical Overview of M-Learning: Toward    行動學習的歷史概覽
2.M-Learning as a Subfield of Open and Distance Education  行動學習為開放與遠距教育的分支
3.A Summary and Critique of M-Learning Research and Practice 行動學習研究與實務的總論與批判
4.A Sociocultural Ecological Frame for Mobile Learning 行動學習的社會文化生態框架
5.Mobile Learning: New Approach, New Theory 行動學習新方法,新理論
6.Framework for Mobile-Learning integration into Educational Contexts   教育脈絡的行動學習整合框架
7.Learning and Teaching as Communicative Actions: A Theory for  Mobile Education   溝通行動,行動教育理論
8.A Future for M-Learning 行動學習的未來  
9.Seamless Learning: An international Perspective on Next-Generation Technology Enhanced Learning  無縫學習,國際觀點
10.Substantive Educational Change is in the Palm of Our  Children's hands PALM在手上的教育變革
11.The Future of Mobile Apps for Teaching and Learning  教學行動APPS的未來
12.Mobile Learning Across Developing and Developed Worlds: Tackling Distance, Digital Divides, Disadvantage, Disenfranchisement 發展與發展中國家
Part2 Learning and Learner Support 學習與學習支持
13. Mobile Learners: who Are The; and who Will They Become?  誰是行動學習者,他們會變成如何?
14.Mindtools for Supporting Mobile-Learning Activities   支持行動學習活動的心智工具
15.Rethinking Scaffolding in Mobile Connectivist Learning Environments 重新思考行動建構學習環境裡的鷹架
16.A Mobile Pedamgv Approach for Transfomiine. Learners and Faculty  學習者與同事的行動學習派典轉移
17.The Power of the Personal: Discovering the M in M-Learning 個人的力量,發現行動學習裡的M
18.Social Versus Individual Flow in Mobile Learning 行動學習中社會與個人心流
19.The“Reflective Student": The Use of Mobile Devices Through Seamless Educational Spaces and Authentic Learning Scenarios  有反思力的學生:利用行動學習於無縫學習與真實學習情境
20.Museums: Gateways to Mobile Learning  博物館行動學習
21. E-Book  Readers and PDAs for Work-Based Learners   電子書閱讀器與PDA~工作本位學習者
Part 3Teaching and Instructional Design  教師與教學設計
22.M-Learning as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change   行動學習作為教育學轉變的催化劑
23.Flipped Classroom Meets Mobile Learning   翻轉教室遇上行動學習
22.M-Learning as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change   行動學習作為教育學轉變的催化劑
23.Flipped Classroom Meets Mobile Learning   翻轉教室遇上行動學習
24.Team and Community Building Using Mobile Devices   利用行動載具建立團隊與社群
25. Mobile Teaching and Learning in the Classroom and Online:  Case Studies in K-12  教室與線上的行動教與學~K12案例
26.Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Teaching  利用行動科技提升教學
27.Teachers’ Tools: Designing Customizable Applications for M-Learning Activities  教師工具:設計行動學習活動的客製化應用
28.iPad Human Interface Guidelines for M-Learning  行動學習的IPAD人際介面指引
29. Three-Dimension Design for Mobile Learning: Pedagogical, Design, and Technological Considerations and Implications  行動學習三面向設計:教育學、設計與科技的考量與執行
30.Mobile Assessment: State of the Art 行動評量現況
31.The mMOOC design combines characteristics and strengths of both m-leaming and the MOOC format.  整合行動學習特徵與優勢的MOOC設計
Part 4 Policies, Administration, and Management 政策、行政與管理
32. Becoming a Mobile Imsititution成為行動機構
33.A Framework for Implementing Mobile Technology 執行行動科技的框架
34.So_We Had This ldea: Bring Your Own Technology at Brebeuf Jesuit 自備科技工具
35.Toward a Holistic Framework for Ethical Mobile Learning 面向合乎道德的行動學習全框架
36.Copyright and Fair Use in M-Learning 動學習應用的智財權與公平
37.Accessibility in M-Learning: Ensuring Equal Access 行動學習取用:確保公平存取
38.The Role of Academic Libraries in the Development and Support of Mobile-Learning Environments 學校圖書館的角色:發展與支持行動學習學習環境
Part 5 Cases and Perspectives 個案與觀點
39.Mobile-Learning Strategies for K-12 Professional Development  K12專業成長的行動學習策略
40.An Exploration of Mobile Learning to Enhance Student Performance in High-School Mathematics 探索行動學習提昇高中數學學習表現
41.Becoming a Digital Nomad: Transforming Education Through  Mobile Devices 透過行動載具轉變教育,成為數位推薦者
42.Mobile Device行動載具
43.A Mobile Knowledge Management System for Military Education Ioana A. Srdnescu and Antonin Stefan軍事教育之行動知識管理系統
44.M-Learning During Emergency Disasters. and Catastrophes:  An Australian Story澳洲故事~災難中的行動學習
45.Improving Students’ Modern Language Speaking Skills Through  Mobile Learning 透過行動學習促進學生現代語言口說技能
46.  How Mobile Learning Facilitates Student Engagement: A Case Study from the Teaching of Spanish 如何透過行動學習促使學生投入~西班牙個案研究
47. Architecture of a  Device-lndenendent Collaborative Language Learning Game 依賴載具協作語言學習遊戲的架構
48.An International Perspective on Mobile Learning行動學習國際觀點
49. M-Powering the Poor Through Mobile Learning透過行動學習賦予貧窮m力量  
50. Acceptance of Tablet Devices for Learning and Teaching in Institutions of Higher Learning: The Malaysian Perspective 馬來西亞高教行動行動載具教與學的接受性
51. Teachers as learners: Concerns and Perceptions About Using Cell phones in South African Rural communities老師即學習者:南非行動電話案例
52.From Mxit to Dr Math  從mxit到數學
53.Mobile Learning Games for Low-Income Children in India:Lessons from 2004-2009五年研究:印度低收入兒童之行動學習遊戲


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