在一知(1Know)開設『eSchool News Today 年度10大編輯票選與最受歡迎報導』

      我訂閱『eSchool News Today』電子報,自12月18日起陸續收到他們網案最受歡迎與編輯票選的email,當時是第十名,所以我就等等等...,今晚,2015年最後一天,終於發布第一名了,我把它們整理在同一門1Know 課裡,原因無他,因為搭配1Know專用之Chrome擴充應用,可以批次將多個網路資源整合於課程目錄中,一次把廿個分頁建立成學習單元,不僅省去寫部落格時必須『複製標題文字→再複製添上網址連結』,同時,我也在課程建立完成後,將20篇的標題一次整理出來即可。

      此外,將來自己或訂閱的夥伴,可以瀏覽這些文章、撰寫筆記,筆記可以再分享喔!連結課程『eSchool News Today 2015 最受歡迎』,課程代碼為30DDA4。

      迎接2016到來之際,也看到這篇『6 STEAM tinkering tools for the holidays』,我也擺在課程裡第一單元了,配合剛剛在若水堂買了三本書,三天來過個硬假期~看好網文、好玩的、也看不好懂的書。


1.Three things great teachers do with technology
2.The ed-tech trends on the cusp of mainstream
3.It's time for every student to learn to code
4.4 things innovative districts do to improve graduation rates
5.Journey to the student-centered makerspace
6.Where blended meets personalized learning—and gets results
7.Flipped learning is changing the face of special ed
8.Finding copyright-friendly photos for the Google Images generation
9.Why you should stop testing and start assessing
10.The 3 trust questions to ask every ed-tech vendor

1.The app that lets you create Khan Academy-style videos in 60 seconds
2.The advanced Google searches every student should know
3.Everything you never knew about using Google in the classroom
4.8 things every teacher can do to create an innovative classroom
5.These 6 questions determine if you're technology rich, innovation poor
6.7 of Leslie Fisher's favorite gadgets for 2015 and beyond
7.6 reasons why Chromebooks are the device of the moment
8.7 steps to creating PLCs teachers want to use
9.106k free teacher-created digital textbooks hit the web
10.Are digital textbooks worth it?



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標籤: 1know
評論: 0 | 引用: 0 | 閱讀: 1670