eSchool News 年度十大故事!
作者: 塾長 日期: 2016-12-30 21:44
eSchool News網站 每年會以倒數方式,於年底前每天公布一則Top Story(網站),從12月19日到今天終於公布完全,以下整理前10清單連結。
#1: The 7 questions every new teacher should be able to answer
#2: I made my classroom look like the real-world—and test scores soared
#3: Classroom observations may hurt teachers more than they help, study says
#4: What does research really say about iPads in the classroom?
#5: 20 educational resources for new teachers
#6: 13 apps that promote higher-order thinking standards
#7: The 4 essentials of a successful Genius Hour
#8: 10 TED-Ed videos your students can use today
#9: Virginia heading for dramatic high school overhaul
#10: What does a flipped classroom look like at each grade level?
從翻轉教室、iPad應用,教室觀察、學校變革,到影片、App、網站等教育資源匯集,正也可以來映對國內、自己教學的涉獵與省思,提供多元再探索的契機,我先整理第一篇~7個問題(無論新舊老師,我都覺得很受用)分享,與其說七個,應該是七組問題~Current vs New:
Current question: What do you know about your subject?
New question: How do you manage your own professional growth?
Current question: How do you share what you already know with students?
New question: How do you teach students to learn what you don’t know?
Current question: How do you teach students to solve problems?
New question: How do you teach students to become problem designers?
Current question: How do you assess student work that is handed in to you?
New question: What are your expectations for students to self-assess their work and publish it for a wider audience?
Current question: What is your contribution to our faculty?
New question: What is your global relationship?
Current question: How do you make sure students are on task?
New question: How do you give students an opportunity to contribute purposeful work to others?
Current question: How do you manage your classroom?
New question: How do you teach students to manage their own learning?
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