藉Google翻譯「Why do we teach?」之速讀截句
作者: 塾長 日期: 2017-02-26 23:10
雖然看到電腦玩物站長介紹「台灣翻譯工作者的必備好工具 Termsoup 大幅縮短你的翻譯工時」很是雀躍,但一時也沒特別想找什麼文章來試試。晚上看到「Why do we teach?」、「Are We Innovating, or Just Digitizing Traditional Teaching? 」兩篇比較有感,就先直接在Chrome上按下翻譯,速覽第一篇就深得我心了,試著擷取隻字片語,足夠在濕冷天裡暖心熱血!
文章從作者有感於週末與一群老師極具聆聽有關「Harvard’s Project Zero」的研究開始,談及老師們用心增能以激勵與堅持~滿足我們所教的每個孩子的需要。
Days like this renew our energy level and inspire us to persist in our efforts to meet the needs of every child we teach.
We teach because we believe what we do matters and has purpose.
Teaching is something closely linked to our concept of self. We are teachers. It is part of our nature and our professional practice is an expression of who we are.
We teach because we choose a career path where every day brings a new challenge, every day is different and our creative abilities are required. Teaching is an art form, a rich canvas for self-expression and imagination.
Teaching is a beautiful thing to be a part of.
「Are We Innovating, or Just Digitizing Traditional Teaching? 」主要談混成學習(Blended learning),提醒我們以承諾善用並避免危險。
Blended learning could create a new definition of teaching and learning (the promise), or it could become nothing more than a digital version of a traditional notion of school (the peril).
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