紙上再談兵:Robotics in Education

      從兩年來「AIR:AI Robot~我的教育機器人夢」開始,曾參加「老有所衷」:長照2.0 機器人解決方案比賽,也發想了自己對於AI機器人的教育想望 ,還有「STEAM與AIR的距離~我的Kebbi Air探究與實作」。假如,曾持續寫作、研究與報告,不也很好嗎?當然,其實真沒有,哈哈!

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      幾天前寫了紙上談兵:從iPad到SRL ,今晚又買了一本「iPads® in the Library: Using Tablet Technology to Enhance Programs for All Ages」,主要也想著新北普發兩萬多片iPad後該可以怎樣永續創新應用(這就是被提醒不要憂國憂民的關鍵啦,哈!)。那麼,是否也來紙上再談兵機器人的教育應用(Robotics in Education)呢?

      之前找到RiE 2020, the 11th International Conference on Robotics in Education,除了2020年會延期,還有2019年的研究發表 集結成書很吸引我,為慶祝群舞成功,為提醒值得認真研究,下決心來狠K一番,紙上談兵目錄先,這些壯觀的標題我已看了好幾回,現在要認真玩真的!

Comprehensive View on Educational Robotics
On Measuring Engagement Level During Child-Robot Interaction in Education
The Effect of Commercially Available Educational Robotics:A Systematic Review
Workshops, Curricula and Related Aspects
On the Use of Robotics for the Development of Computational Thinking in Kindergarten: Educational Intervention and Evaluation
“ CREA ” : An Inquiry-Based Methodology to Teach Robotics to Children
Educational Robotics in Kindergarten, a Case Study
Comparison of LEGO WeDo 2.0 Robotic Models in Two Different Grades of Elementary School
STEAM Robotic Puzzles to Teach in Primary School. A Sustainable City Project Case
STEAM Approach to Autonomous Robotics Curriculum for High School Using the Robobo Robot
Design and Analysis of a Robotics Day Event to Encourage
the Uptake of a Career in STEM Fields to Pre-GCSE Students
Robotics Education To and Through College
Technological Literacy Through Outreach with Educational Robotics
Robotic Theater: An Architecture for Competency Based Learning
First Steps in Teaching Robotics with Drones
Project-Based Learning Focused on Cross-Generational Challenges
Technologies for Educational Robotics
A Generalized Matlab/ROS/Robotic Platform Framework for Teaching Robotics
Turtlebot 3 as a Robotics Education Platform
SLIM - A Scalable and Lightweight Indoor-Navigation MAV  as Research and Education Platform
An Open Solution for a Low-Cost Educational Toy
Environment Virtualization for Visual Localization and Mapping
Contents Programming a Humanoid Robot with the Scratch Language
Integrating Robotics with School Subjects
Bringing an Educational Robot into a Basic Education Math Lesson
Inviting Teachers to Use Educational Robotics to Foster Mathematical Problem-Solving
Integrating Mathematics and Educational Robotics:Simple Motion Planning
Learning Symmetry with Tangible Robots
Lessons from Delivering a STEM Workshop Using Educational Robots Given Language Limitations
Using Robots as an Educational Tool in Native Language Lesson
Robotics Competitions

Educational Robotics Competitions and Involved Methodological Aspects
Participants ’ Perceptions About Their Learning with FIRST LEGO® League Competition – a Gender Study
Young Roboticists ’ Challenge - Future with Social Robots - World Robot Summit ’ s Approach: Preliminary Investigation
Evolution of Educational Robotics in Supplementary Education of Children
Contents Robot League – A Unique On-Line Robotics Competition
Autonomous Driving Car Competition
Cross Topics in Educational Robotics
Cross-Age Mentoring to Educate High-School Students in Digital Design and Production
Robot Tutors: Welcome or Ethically Questionable?
Teaching Robotics with a Simulator Environment Developed for the Autonomous Driving Competition
User-Driven Design of Robot Costume for Child-Robot Interactions Among Children with Cognitive Impairment
Setup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University:MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018
The Uncanny Valley of the Virtual (Animal) Robot
Cyber-Physical System Security: Position Spoofing in a Class Project on Autonomous Vehicles

標籤: AI kebbi Robot RIE
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