App選擇資源整理(摘自iPads in the Library與舊文)

      繼續來到「iPads in the Library: Using Tablet Technology to Enhance Programs for All Ages」第二章的閱讀整理:App選擇標準(App Selection Criteria)。

首先整理「Using Apps for Learning Across the Curriculum: A Literacy-Based Framework and Guide 」(這是第二版):

整理『Using iPad and iPhone Apps for Learning with Literacy Across the Curriculum』各領域app推薦連結

再探『Using iPad and iPhone Apps for Learning with Literacy Across the Curriculum』隱藏版連結


iPad Academy:Learn How to Use the iPad | Training ▪ Tutorials ▪ Tips
Boing Boing Apps for Kids
iPad Insight
School Library Journal的科技推薦專區
Touch and Go

      最後壓軸這個TCEA iOS App List,讓我想起多年前的「全國教學APP市集」,上周二到教育部參與教育雲網站諮詢會議,欣聞又要開始徵選APP推薦了,期待也開心!檢視每個網站的製作呈現與連結後想到:真正在上課或自學時,用得上各式App的時機為何?以及,怎樣有個平台或混成環境,協助更具目地與功效地串連這些app與既有的非數位/ 數位應用之學習時光呢?

attachments/202006/5542984771.jpg attachments/202006/8095069289.jpg

標籤: MDM iPad
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